We welcome your kind donations.
Most years, for every £1 given, over 95p is used directly for projects we support.
Everyone associated with our work are volunteers
You can easily donate through our partners, the Charities Trust, by scanning the QR Code, or clicking their logo.
You can donate through BACS in the UK to our account in the name of
South India Children's Education and Welfare Trust. All your gift will reach us without charges.
Bank: CAF Bank
Sort-code: 40-52-40
Account Number: 00037259
We especially encourage you to use Gift Aid which adds 25% to your donation provided that you pay sufficient Income or Capital Gains Tax.
If you wish to give via Gift Aid please let us know.
You will find our collection boxes in many local shops. Some of the shops whose customers have made significant contributions are honoured below.
Thank you to our shop-keepers who help us. Please note that we will always wear a identificagtion badge when we collect the box, so please only give boxes to our authorised collectors
SICEWT is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation in the UK, Registered in England Number 1179195